To guard myself and my spirit from the gloom and doom that seems to be so prevalent in the air today, I need to consciously work on my outlook every day. While it sometimes seems like an effort, it really isn't as hard as it seems. Sources of joy & happiness are around us everywhere!
My fellow entrepreneur, mastermind buddy, and friend, Beth writes about this in her latest blog.
Like myself, she confesses to be addicted to inspiration.
"... every time I feel inspired, I try to share the source of my joy. Today, it was a short film that highlighted the beauty of the human spirit. I know many people that have been struggling in rough times recently. When I watched this video tonight, it made my heart sing. I love it when people find true joy within themselves. If you haven't already, watch Lemonade, and then pass it on to someone you know who could use a little encouragement."
This video particularly hit home for me, having been laid off from my corporate job in 2002. Losing such a nice big paycheck and generous benefits was definitely scary as I was single at the time and the only source of financial support for myself (not to mention a Fairfield County size mortgage needing to be paid).
I choose to follow my dream and forge a new career path. I am able to continue that path, and navigate the speed bumps by seeking out inspiration to stay positive.
Where can you look for inspiration & joy today?
Beth recommends......
" Whether it be amazing role models and everyday heroes, or pausing a moment to admire a sunset. There is incredible beauty all around us. All we have to do is pay attention."
So take a look around. It's right in front of you.
PS Check out Beth's site for Aetheria Spa, a wonderful spa in a charming Victorian house in New Canaan. Now there's a place to go for some JOY!
So take a look around. It's right in front of you.
PS Check out Beth's site for Aetheria Spa, a wonderful spa in a charming Victorian house in New Canaan. Now there's a place to go for some JOY!
1 comment:
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