A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The four words you DON'T want to start your week off with

Sporting a little bit of bling on my way to the hospital

"You have an extremely large mass and it has to be removed immediately."

Four words leapt as my doctor was giving me the results of my CATSCAN on what had started out to be a typical Monday. I had been experiencing persistent and intense pain in my abdomen and back for about ten days when I finally dragged myself to the doctor, having waiting for the most convenient time to fit it into my busy schedule.

I was trying to practice what I preach and listen to my body, yet still intent on sandwiching it between classes, meetings, radio show and the things that always feel like the take precedence in our lives.

Another day of appointments and tests confirmed that the mass was suspicious, surgery was a must, and that time was of the essence. One doctor even mistook it for my uterus (sorry pal, Elvis has left the building, that no longer resides here anymore!)

On the eve before surgery was scheduled to take place, I realized I had a choice to make. I could either go down the dark hole of 'what if's', lamenting why me, and feeling sorry for myself. No doubt this would result in a lot of tossing and turning throughout the night. Or I could celebrate the moment and hope for the best, drawing on everything I know to stay positive and hopeful.

I cracked open a bottle of wine, cranked my favorite inspirational and upbeat tunes (think Kelly Clarkson "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger"), and danced. And danced. And danced.

I think my husband was slightly baffled by my enthusiastic dance party, but even acquiesced threw in his standard dance move a few times.

Then while taking a dance break and perusing FaceBook, I saw a post mentioning how awesome the moon looked that evening. I immediately danced out to the driveway to take a look, but it's position, coupled with our trees made it impossible to see.

Rich suggested we take a ride to find it. So clad in pj's we hopped in the car and went moon chasing.  When we found a good viewing spot, we parked and simply took it in in silence.

When life hands you lemons, put on some music and dance...or perhaps chase the moon. It makes for much better memories no matter what lies ahead.

1 comment:

lookoutmama said...

Thank you for writing this, you have managed to make a very scary situation also very uplifting.