A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Friday, February 10, 2012

Adopting a singular focus

We live in a world of multi tasking. We believe it to be necessary. A coveted skill. A badge of honor. I'm no exception, I pride myself on my multi tasking expertise.

Lately though I've adopted a singular focus.

I've been forced to abandon my twelve hour work days, my endless to do lists and my crammed social calendar. No complaints on all of that, I truly do love my life and sometimes even thrive on my overcommitted schedule.

As a result of having some recent major surgery, my sole focus has been on healing. Hence the lack of blog posts of late.

I don't remember the last time I focused on only one thing. All choices, all actions right now revolve around healing.

I must admit it's kind of a nice change (aside from the actual physical pain), to have only one thing to concentrate on.

I don't recommend waiting for surgery to give yourself permission to give something your full undivided attention.

But I do recommend giving it a try.

Pick something, anything. And focus.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


aclow said...

That's awesome Kristen! I've been home all year w/ 2 hip replacements and it's been the best thing ever to just be forced to heal. I've been able to re-prioritize and focus on what matters. Multi-tasking has always been huge for me and it's been a weight off my shoulders to know how much better it is to focus in one direction at a time :) I hope you're healing well and I hope we both continue singular focus after we're back to our regularly scheduled programming :)

Kristen Hallett Rzasa said...

Thank you so much for your comment! You are absolutely right and I agree, let's keep living these lessons beyond recovery time. Healing blessings to you!