My dad, Thomas V. Hallett, was definitely an energetic, make things happen kind of guy. Although he died suddenly just days after his 52nd birthday, his legacy is always with me.
He is my daily reminder of the "life is short" cliche which shapes my choices and actions. His example encourages me to ask myself often what kind of person do I want to be? How do I want to be remembered? What kind of contribution do I want to make in this world?
Business Insurance magazine ran a wonderful story/obituary following his death.
In honor of Father's Day, I thought I'd share the following excerpt from that article which ran in March, 1993:
"Tom was a bundle of energy," [a friend & colleague] said. "He was an instigator, and was always provocative and always a joy to be around. " "He really felt that he wanted to be a success in life and in business," [observed another friend & colleague] "He was relentless in touching all bases and doing everything possible to make things happen. He was a real inspiration."
So today, be a joy to be around and honor your father.
Miss you and love you dad!
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