If you don't spend your time, others will spend it for you. Or better still, if you don't invest your time, others will invest it for you.
Do you want someone other than yourself investing your precious time?
No, I didn't think so!
I challenge you to think about five things that are important to you and then look at how you are spending the next four days - Thursday through Sunday. This way you get some weekday & some weekend time. I'm sure there are more than important things in your life, and maybe those things change from time to time. But are you investing your time in what you believe to be most important?
What are you doing related to those five priorities?
Are you investing well?
I'll go first. Here are five things that are essential in my life and how I'm investing my time over the next four days:
1. Faith - going to mass on Sunday morning with my family.
2. Family - hosting a Sweet 16 party for my stepdaughter & immediate family on Sunday
3. Friends - spending Thursday evening with one of my best pals, Melissa, who is in town for a visit.
4. Self care - participating in a Reiki share on Saturday. I'm actually going to be giving & receiving Reiki at this event so not only is it a beautiful way to take care of myself by receiving a treatment, but I can also give back as well since Community Service and giving back is also on my list (but I promised we'd only work on our top five). This also supports another priority of mine Health because this energy work is very healing and the event takes place at The Bloodroot, an excellent vegetarian restaurant, so there will be a delicious healthy lunch as well. See how one choice can support many priorities? But I did say five, didn't I?
5. Business - exhibiting at a corporate Health Fair on Thursday and then spending a full day of working on business strategy with a fellow biz owner on Friday. We're heading up to the Mercy Retreat Center in Madison so we can really focus. Not only will I be brainstorming on how to help my business to flourish, I'll be spending time with a good friend and we'll be making it fun as well (sunscreen, bathing suits and wine will be packed and ready to go).
Now it's your turn. What investments will you be making in the next four days and how to they support your priorities? Feel free to share all five or please share at least one and spread the inspiration!