When was the last time you touched your toes?
We all know flexibility declines with age, and if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, your hips and psoas muscles (which connect your lower back to the front of your hip bones ) and hip flexors get tight. In addition to flexibility, posture becomes compromised.
For many of us, touching our toes has become further out of reach. So, inspired by my yoga classes, as well as a few recent articles I've read recently, I've decided to call this month's Fitness Challenge Project: Touch Your Toes!
Every day for 30 days we challenge you to do these 3 stretches.
Downward Dog Get onto all fours, hands, shoulder-width apart, knees under hips. Press down through your hands and lift your butt until feet are flat on the floor. Keep knees slightly bent. Hold for 30 seconds.
Supine Stretch Lie on your back with left knee bent, foot on the floor. Bend your right leg in and pull towards you. Extending the right leg and flexing your foot. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.
Standing Stretch Bend at the waist, knees soft. Alternating legs, contract your quadriceps muscle (down the front of your thigh) and you’ll feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Hold for 30 seconds.
You'll be touching your toes in no time!
Not sure what the moves look like? Check out our Fitness Flick.
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