A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Feel the difference

This thought comes from a favorite blog beU. Bookmark it and check in when you need a dose of inspiration. What I really love is their pledge:

the be pledge

I WILL be more, do less

I WILL be and let be

I WILL be who I am

I WILL become what I want

I WILL begin inside

So now that work is done for the day, laundry is spinning, kitchen is clean, I think I will just BE. Maybe read, maybe not. Maybe just let the words of pledge above seep a little deeper into my consciousness and remind myself that I am enough, and that no matter what swirls around me, I will begin inside.

Go ahead and just BE.

I dare you.

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