1.To release stress from having the kids home everyday.
2. It takes just 6 weeks to lose the fitness you build in 6 months.
3. The sun does not melt away body fat.
4. You just feel so much better after a good sweat.
5. You can take time to smell the flowers on your summer walks.
6. The adorable On the Go Tote bag
7. To get out of the house so you don’t have to do dinner dishes.
8. Jazzercise is not seasonal. We’re here all year and you should be too.
9. You don’t stop brushing your teeth in the summer, why stop Jazzercise?
10. The sun doesn't suck fat off your body folks so if you're 'outside' remember, you've got to get your heart rate up and do your strength training while you're out there to get all the benefits you get from only 1 hour here.
You forgot: Gets you ready for your high school and/or college reunions.
So true!! And I've got a big one coming up.
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