"Take Time to Smell the Flowers" is a personal story of his journey through open heart surgery. It is an example of how so many factors affecting our health are within our control, shaped by our daily choices. It is up to US to make the difference.
While he maintained many of these lifestyle changes for several years, he ultimately died on March 20th of a heart attack. He was enjoying life fully on the dance floor at a St. Patrick's Day Dinner Dance - just the way he would want it.
My current path, which I see as not only a career path, but a life journey, is both entrepreneurial and committed toward improving the health and well being of others. In both respects, I believe he is the influence behind those choices.
I hope that this article impacts you in some small way, that perhaps you share it with someone you love, and most of all that you Take Time to Smell the Flowers.............
Love you Dad!
(Click on each page individually to enlarge)

Thanks Kristen for your Dad's article.
Very interesting Kristen! I could relate to the risk management process; in my job as an auditor, you have to identify the risks in an audit, so you know where to focus your efforts to identify potential problems. Your dad's ariticle made me realize that risk processes occur in all kinds of situations!
Thank you for sharing such a personal story!
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