A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Community is part of health

The Annual Think Pink Fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen Foundation went without a hitch on Friday night.

We team taught a packed high energy class....

Followed by a beautiful party......

Delicious food & pink drinks.........

Handsome bartenders...............

And a raffle to knock your socks off. ....over sixty gorgeous baskets were donated....

With Tressa as the raffle "MC"................

And a lot of happy winners.......

And plenty of friends to enjoy the evening with.........

A HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who participated and donated, but especially Peggy (below right) & Beth (above center), our hostesses for the event.

The results were not only almost $8,000 raised for the cause, but also a profound sense that health is about more than your workout. Of course being in the fitness field, you'll never hear me advising someone against exercise, but I am continually realizing how much being a part of something bigger than yourself is key to optimal health.

When we become part of a community and surround ourselves with positive people, we clear away the negativity that exists around us and create more room uplifting ene
rgy and magical things to happen.

The evening finished with a goose bump performance of "Amazing Grace" by Christine Sinclair.

And as I listened, there was no doubt in my mind, that being part of THIS community is TRULY amazing!

FOR more photos check out my Facebook page...

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