Eleanor & Pam hosted the 2nd Annual Birthday Celebration with lots of enthusiasm and fun!
Each routine featured a month and they invited those who were born in that month to come up to the stage and to dance with them.
Scroll down to see some of the months.....
Paula and Michelle are smiling December babies.
The celebration was for everyone...and you can see they're working hard in anticipation of some birthday cake afterwards.
Mary & Queenie have their hats on and are ready to rock!
The party was complete with fun prizes and delicious birthday cake.
A job well done by Eleanor & Pam!!!!
Then after the birthday celebration....we were on the road to New Jersey to visit little Landon.
Here he is posing in his Steeler jersey
(it's never to early to have Steeler apparel in our family!)
He's getting ready for the pre-season games.

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