A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Our Third Annual Mother's Day Mother/Daughter class was a lot of fun. The mother/daughter teams are sweaty, but smiling!
Spring was a busy time for Junior Jazzercise. We hit the road to visit Girl Scout troops all over the county. Here are the Westport girls posing after class.
Above the Danbury Girl Scouts strike a pose after their class.
Some of the cutest dancers around: Alya, Joan & Kelly (and yours truly, of course!)
The Westover crew works on their ending pose for their performance routine to Hannah Montana's "Best of Both Worlds."
Sophia and Kelly team up for "Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride" from Lilo & Stitch.
The group tries a little hand jive to the "Ketchup Song."