Our Third Annual Mother's Day Mother/Daughter class was a lot of fun. The mother/daughter teams are sweaty, but smiling!
Spring was a busy time for Junior Jazzercise. We hit the road to visit Girl Scout troops all over the county. Here are the Westport girls posing after class.
Above the Danbury Girl Scouts strike a pose after their class.
Some of the cutest dancers around: Alya, Joan & Kelly (and yours truly, of course!)
The Westover crew works on their ending pose for their performance routine to Hannah Montana's "Best of Both Worlds."
Sophia and Kelly team up for "Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride" from Lilo & Stitch.
The group tries a little hand jive to the "Ketchup Song."
Jodie's last class on the Stamford stage exemplified everything great about her as an instructor.....it was fun, it was energetic, it was high intensity, it was professional and it was top notch!
There she is in the crowd mixing it up!
We are sorry to see her go, but I know that she will be very happy to be back in Florida with her family near by.
We presented her with a picture from the Opening Day of the Center so that she will remember us. Jodie will always be a special part of that milestone and a member of our Connecticut Jazzercise family.
It was an absolutely pleasure working with Jodie. I couldn't have asked for a better Associate. She is a true professional and brings a positive attitude to her work. I will miss her not only as an instructor, but as a friend as well.
I wish her and her family - Charlie, Ava & Emma all the best in Florida. I have no doubt we will keep in touch and hopefully be down to visit her in her new beautiful home (with our golf clubs!).