I was happy to have a rainy Sunday this weekend to regroup. When my schedule gets too busy, I like to clear off a day to just BE and it helps if it's a rainy day.
So I spent a perfect Sunday leaving the house only to go to church. Then it was a day full of relaxing, cooking, puttering, and watching a French film. I'm much better with subtitles in the afternoon!
I also had a chance to browse through my growing stack of magazines. One of my favorite parts of"O" magazine is Oprah's column "What I Know for Sure." In April's issue she talks about how our relationships with others reflect your relationship with ourselves.
How right she is! In order for our relationships to flourish we really have to care for ourselves, yet so often caring for ourselves is viewed as selfish or followed by guilt.
I think she sums it up with this: "The key to meaningful connections with the people in your life is making yourself whole by honoring your body, mind, and spirit - filling the voids that cause you not to love yourself. You can't give love if you don't have it. And you can't receive (or even perceive) it because you won't recognize it when it shows up. You've got to care for yourself in order to be able to care for others. "
Oprah, I couldn't agree with you more! And this time I won't wait for a rainy day to do just that.