Here's the challenge: Thirty crunches, thirty push-ups, holding a plank for thirty seconds and holding a v-sit for thirty seconds - every day for thirty days! It's more of a challenge for some than others, but we're giving it the good college try and having lots of fun in the process.

With our fitness challenge, the real key is not whether someone can complete it, but rather that the effort is there. Simply trying 10 push-ups is an accomplishment. Remember that anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Sometimes it's simply enjoying the fun of failure and tackling some daunting goal.
I've been thinking about that lately since I'm toying with the idea of training for a triathalon (just in the thinking stage at this point!)...... While I'm excited by working towards an ambitious goal, I'm also considering choosing something a little less time consuming.
In the meantime while I mull it over, it's time to start on those push ups!
PS If you try our challenge or any of your own, please post and let us know how it's going!