The energy at Tres' Jazz was electric! Nearly 2,500 Jazzercisers from around the globe have invaded New Orleans — the birthplace of Jazz — for fun-filled days of shopping, partying and of course, dancing!
My mom & I arrived on Wednesday. Here she is striking a pose on the famous Riverwalk.
We headed out to the French Quarter for dinner on our first night.
New Orlean's famous Bourbon Street by day....
The Shopping Expo opened and the craziness began. Togs had loads of great bargains, you can see the madness below.
Thursday afternoon we attended two Instructor Only events.
The Behind the Scenes of a Taping was really interesting. It’s
amazing how much goes into the final product which arrives in our
mailboxes. The Taping Team was on hand for Q &A in an "Oprah" sort of setting.

We caught up with some old friends too… including Shannon, who is running very successful classes in Chicago

Check him out for yourself!
It was an honor to be a part of the East Coast Circuit class and to teach with such a dynamic group of professionals.
As always the Men's class was a highlight, as well as Dancin' Abs, Party Jazzercise with Kenny (my favorite Jazzer-guy), Guts & Butts with Shanna & Rich, and so much more!!!
We caught up with Kara as well. She is as hilarious as ever, even now that she's a married woman :).
Mom & Kara, & Tressa & I wait for the Opening Night Show to begin.
The show was very informative and we learned a lot about the history of jazz and the culture of New Orleans.
Charmaine Neville said that we could have gone to any other city in the country, yet we chose to come there and for that each of them was truly grateful.
Many people we met echoed her message.
The food definitely lived up to his reputation.
Mom & Kara brave Bourbon St.
(I think Lisi had been abducted by this point!)
Becky scored us a bunch of beads!
You can check out even MORE photos of our trip on my Facebook page ,
(Just search for me), including more of our party on Bourbon St. Although remember, what happens in New Orleans, stays in New Orleans, right??
You can also see great video clips and lots of other photos at
(click on Tres Jazz).
I loved checking out the photos for a glimpse of some of the stuff I missed.
As with all Jazzer-events, we returned home happy, exhausted, sore and with plenty of shopping bags in tow.
A good time was definitely had by all!!
See you next time,