On Saturday night I headed to New York to stay at my friend Joe's apartment to be ready for the Five Boro Bike Tour in NY the following morning. This is a photo of Joe's "hobbit size" kitchen which I just love. You can reach everything without moving.
There were five of us camping out before the Tour and we had a nice dinner and relaxed to get ready for the BIG ride.

It was a real thrill to participate in the Bike Tour. It is the largest recreational cycling event in America and the ultimate tour of NY.

The journey began in Lower Manhattan, after of course, a quick stop at Starbucks.
I learned that the multi-talented Glade can bike with a Grande cup of Starbucks coffee in hand.
Go figure!

Our team was the "Checkered Flag" Team which made it amazingly helpful to find one another in the crowd. Here's the team at the start....Tim, Glade, Joe, Mia & me!
Joe & I model the flags. Although I learned that you need to be careful when riding by trees with low branches and using the porta-potty when you have a big flag on your head.
I don't know what's happening with my helmet in this photo!
Uh, I should mention that Joe (just call him Tour Boy when you see him) and I DID NOT train for this event....so we really did not know what to expect.

We went north through the heart of Manhattan to Central Park and continued on to historic Harlem and the Bronx, returning south along the East River on the FDR Drive.

The flags were a big hit and all day people were yelling out to the Checkered Flag team to cheer us on.
It was amazing to see so many people (30,000) of ALL ages biking together.
We went from Queens and then into Brooklyn.
Mia & Tim are still smiling -- they're pros at this!
No, I really mean it. Tim is ACTUALLY a pro and rides for a professional cycling team, so we were in good hands.

Glade & I stop for photos at the Verrazano Bridge before heading to Staten Island.
Those bridges are a !@#$%^&*!

We made it the full 42 miles!
After crossing the finish line, we took the Staten Island Ferry back over. It was my first time in Staten Island and I just had the urge to break out into the 'Working Girl' theme when I was on the ferry.
We stopped to catch our breath and take a peak at the Statue of Liberty. Then we enjoyed tasty burritos and stopped for cookies at the Fairway Market
(be sure you know the rules of conduct if you stop in!)
It was a very inspirational day and I highly recommend it!! I was very proud that I did it.
I definitely hope to return next year and will be packing my flag away safely until then!