I was completely thrilled and estatic at the success of our Grand Opening Reception on Friday night.
It was the culmination of a lot of hard work, sweat and passion and it was worth every moment!
On Thursday at around 3:30 pm our sign guy, Duke, had just finished the logo on the stage (looks great doesn't it?). Pina and I were admiring his handiwork and I looked around the room and it truly looked perfect and ready to go. Beautiful newly painted walls, fabulous aerobic floor which we spent many hours installing....JUST PERFECT.....and I was thinking hey we're ready to go, I'm going to go treat myself to a manicure and pedicure in anticipation for tomorrow's opening.
And then the 'you know what' literally hit the fan! A main sewer pipe apparently backed up and the flood gates opened up. The damage initially began upstairs at one of the other tenant's location.
Before I knew it, I hear Pina shout and there goes our bathroom ceiling!!!! Collapsing ceiling tiles began to come down along with sewer water which completed flooded our bathroom and two changing areas (including our new beautiful curtains & rugs in the changing room). Next it started running down the walls in the dance space and Pina and I were up on ladders shoving paper towels into the ceiling tiles to attempt to keep the waterfalls at bay.
It was total mayhem. Well, needless to say I was in a bit of shock but Pina and I got to work and started cleaning up. Laura joined us and you DON'T want to know the dirty details. My landlord, Alan, came through the next morning to have the damaged ceiling replaced and cleaned again.
We opened our doors as scheduled and no one would have EVER known what had happened just over 24 hours earlier. So, we had a great story to tell and one I will NEVER forget .

Anyway, on the the party. Pam and Laura went first class all the way. We had beautiful hors'devoures, wine, silver platters....so beautiful and classy!

I was so touched by the cards, flowers, champagne and gifts from everyone. Meghan Joyhnt, one of our customers, even gave the gift of song when she beautifully performed "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." Wow, what a voice. Thank you Meghan!

We saw lots of familiar faces, some potential NEW customers, and some old friends whom we haven't seen in a long time. My original Jazzercise instructor Donna Duris and my mentor and workshop leader Chris Melfi Damon drove probably an hour and a half to surprise me. I was thrilled to see them, as they are my mentors, friends and two of the BEST instructors you'll EVER see (no photos of them up yet, must be in the other camera).
An even BIGGER surprise was my dearest friend Bill Allen who drove to CT from Maryland JUST for the party. Bill and I have been pals for 25 years (since 10th grade English class). Since I began Jazzercise I've always told him he has a place on the "Board of Directors" in my business and he and I have spent many hours over the years with business brainstorming.

I have no idea how many guests we saw over the course of the evening, but people have estimated between 75-100.
I am truly blessed to have such an amazing extended family.
Thank you to all for making this dream a reality.
God Bless,
PS I'll have tons more photos.....some will be posted in our photo gallery at www.jazzct.com and I'll put more up here. We used the digital and the 'old fashioned' camera so I'll be sending that film to Snapfish so that we can easily email and share the pics. Keep checking there's more to come. And wait till you hear about our Opening Day classes!