A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Surround yourself!

 One of the easiest and nicest gifts you can give to yourself is surrounding yourself with loving and kind people whenever possible.

How true!
I saw this sentence today and realized just how vital this is to our well being. 
I also took a moment to recognize what a blessing it is.  Looking back on the last week I thought of the many people I crossed paths with from the crew I volunteer with at the Soup Kitchen,  to the customers in our Book Club, to  the wonderful dinner with friends/associates Pina & Elena,  to the date night with my hubby,  to the cool guests that have come on my radio show over, to the chat with my mom,  to the ongoing email chat with BFFs Melissa and Liz,  and finally the beautiful time  with Liz today at lunch. 

I am most definitely surrounded!

 I have no doubt that we absorb the energy of the people around us.

Surround yourself!!   And choose wisely.

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