A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finding the Faith

"Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into."
Mahatma Gandhi

Most of my blog posts are about the happenings in my business, with an emphasis on how to live a healthy balanced life, and an occasional personal tidbit thrown in for good measure.

I was reminded recently that the real key to whole, healthful living, is not only what we snack on or how many crunches we do, but rather a more intangible practice, one that has always been central in my life. Faith.

Faith seems to be popping up a lot lately in my life. Many people are facing big challenges with health, finances and relationships. It seems I'm having daily conversations with customers, coworkers, friends or family about how essential faith is, not just during trying times, but always.

Faith is truly an act of courage. It isn't a decision of the mind, but a practice of the heart.

As grace becomes a familiar companion we recognize that we must do what we can, and then surrender the outcome. We must trust that with faith we can handle whatever comes our way.

Last weekend I have the honor of being on the team of the Women's 64th Cursillo Weekend for the Diocese of Bridgeport. Wow.
The faithfulness of these women was almost overwhelming. Everyone has a story and faith has helped these women grow in their faith and become more whole.

Just like other healthy habits, strengthening our faith is not a destination, but an ongoing journey.

Here are a few of the faith filled women I had the privilege of serving with - our Kitchen Team ("the chas) Jeannette, Yvonne, me, Patty, & Dolores.

I thank all of these women for helping me grow in faith!


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Retreat Before You Move Forward!

Do you sometimes feel you are on the hamster wheel?

It may be time for a retreat.

Sometimes it's important that there be not just a psychological separation but also a physical separation from all the hooks we have in us from our family, friends and work/life commitments.

Taking a retreat is about creating the sacred time and space - described by the Greek word Kairos - to hear your own voice, your True voice deep inside.

As author Joan Borysenko, author of Your Soul's Compass put it, "To get clarity of vision on your life, you have to get away from it". If clarity is what you seek, Retreats are the answer.

This week I'm heading to Kirpalu in the Berkshires for a personal retreat. I look forward to this every year....time to be quiet, write in my journal, hike, do lots of yoga, eat amazing food and just see what unfolds. It's amazing that 48 hours can be so powerful in restoring your energy! I highly recommend the R&R program.

Of course you don't have to drive two hours and spend two days to retreat.

Here are a few resources to check out:

20-Minute Retreats: Review Your Spirits in Just Minutes a Day with Simple Self-Led Exercises by Rachel Harris.

Woman's Retreat Book: A Guide to Restoring, Rediscovering and Reawakening Your True Self -- In a Moment, An Hour or a Weekend by Jennifer Louden

However or wherever you do it, just do it!

And enjoy,

PS What are your best tips for retreating?