A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Monday, April 16, 2012

It's that simple.

This is too good not to share.  And I don't think she'll mind me sharing.   Today while emailing with my two BFFs (something that I LOVE, need, and look forward to), my friend Melissa shared something she did last night.  
Bought groceries for a homeless man behind me in line at the grocery store last night.  The store clerk, bagger and policeman all shook their head in amazement.  Clerk said to me "Ma'am, I wish more people were like that", to which I responded "if they were, what a wonderful world it would be."
Paying it forward,
I was struck by the simplicity of it.  She probably won't tell others about it.  She's just that way. Though she's one of the smartest,  most articulate women I know, she inspires through her actions even more than her words.
It's just that simple.

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