A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A shot in the arm

We all need a good shot in the arm some days.  Well today I had one both physically and metaphorically.  In fact, physically I actually had five shots in preparation for my trip to Africa this summer. Ouch.

But metaphorically and emotionally I had one when I had lunch with one of my most beloved friends.  Spending time with her is always a good "shot in the arm" because we laugh, and because she always asks the questions that make me think, but most of all because she is authentic.

Sometimes when we feel we've 'lost the sparkle' a good shot in the arm, or spending time with a friend is just what we need.

And just like the physical shots I received today, the underlying purpose is to prepare you for something bigger.

Sometimes we just need to stop and ask ourselves "what is the best thing I can do for myself today."    Your answer will be just the shot you need.

Then, ask yourself the same question tomorrow.  And the next day. 

Before you know it, you'll  not only be prepared for the journey ahead, you'll be sparkling wildly.  

And it's FAR more fun than the Typhoid Fever vaccination...trust me!

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