A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Monday, May 28, 2012

Remembering those who served....

Preparing for our Memorial Day feast
 Sometimes it's easy to get swept up in the holiday-ness of a day like today.  Prepping the grill, slicing the watermelon (note yesterday's watermelon pictured above served with a bit of feta cheese).  It's fun and it's always good to have family and friends to share the days with, which is what we did last night.

But let's not forget those who have served our country and continue to protect us and our freedom.  The notion of freedom took on a new meaning for me last summer when I traveled to China.  It was my first experience visiting a Communist country.

How lucky we are.

Both of my grandmother's had brothers who died in WW II, one on the beach of Normandy.

Today let 's take a moment to remember.  

My dad (the little guy) and his Uncle Hoody who died in WW II

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