A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Trading adventure for spontaneity

February flew by without an opportunity for a K & P adventure.  With me home recovering from surgery most of the month, Pina jet setting to LA, along with a few other curve balls life threw our way, the month passed without a chance to give it much thought.  In fact , we found ourselves without the time to catch up beyond email or text for several days even sans adventure.  Very unlike us!

So this morning I arrived at work to teach early morning yoga and for the first time, there were apparently no yogis up for yoga this morning.   With time to spare I sent Pina about something, one text led to another and before I knew it I was picking up Pina in her pj's (don't you just love saying that -- Pina in her pj's), and we zipped through the drive thru at DD and spent an hour sipping coffee and catching up in the car.

We both agreed, spontaneity is a good thing.
While I would have been very happy to be immersed in downward dog this morning, I got just what I needed.  Life is always good that way. 


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