A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do you see yourself in this video?


Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and there it is....the sound of the ring tone.  Whether it's the standard Marimba or a catchy new Usher song,  it doesn't matter, this interruption takes priority.  

Now of course I'm not talking about those times when you have a sick child at home or you're waiting for the jury to return with a verdict to seal your fate.  I'm talking about the every day conversations over coffee or lunch.  

You may even answer and tell the caller "I'm busy, can I call you right back?"  (something I can never understand).

Perhaps next time, see what happens when you stay in the present.  Experiment with NOT answering (if it's something that can likely wait). 

Maybe it's time to disconnect to connect....

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