A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How old does your body think you are?

"We can actually control our genes and change our bodies and lives on a cellular level, simply through our actions."  
Michael Rozien

Do you sometimes FEEL like you're 60 even though you're only 40?   Or maybe you have the energy of a 25 year old, but you've already blown the candles out on your big 5-0 cake.

How old does your body think you are?  

You could be a little -- or a lot -- younger, or maybe older! Your RealAge is the biological age of your body based on how you have maintained it.

Being in the health & fitness field, I have some pretty good habits, but having recently turned 45, I decided to see just how well those habits are serving me, so I decided take the quiz.

Now, if you decided to take the quiz as well, be completely HONEST with your answers.   Otherwise, what's the point?!   We all know how we can easily overestimate the amount of exercise we get or how many veggies we eat a day. But let's face the facts, it doesn't help anyone when we fudge our answers.

I was happy to see that I came out eight years younger than I actually am.  I was hoping for ten, but that family history gets me every time.  The good news is, as the quote above suggests, I can combat that sketchy family history with good choices every day.

Go to www.realage.com and see for yourself. And be brave, and post the results in the comment section below!


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