A Matter of Balance: A Woman's Quest for Health, Harmony & Kick-ass Heels

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Take a moment to say it

Yesterday I was corresponding with a Jazzercise colleague whom I have always respected. She's a top notch professional and is great at what she does. I had gotten the info I needed and thought about writing a last email just letting her know what a good job she does. Then I thought, nah, she knows she's good. She probably gets hundreds of emails a day and why needlessly fill her in box?

On second thought, why not?

It took me all of one minute (maybe less) to write a quick one liner to let her know that I appreciate and admire her.

Well she took a minute to reply:

"Awe......thank you so much. That really means a lot to me to hear that from my peers! You made my day ;-)"

Now I'm very glad that I made the small effort.

And 'they' always say - what goes around comes around........later in the day I received a private Facebook message from a fellow owner who wrote:

"Some day I hope to be established like you! : ) "

Now that made MY day! So I guess 'they're' right!

Take a moment to say it today!

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